The Riga Latvian Society Literature Commission Cosiness Club has been actively working for 11th years already. In 2013 the clubs 10th anniversary was celebrated. In the first part of 2014 several readings already have taken place. more ... |
Hay dolls and games in the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum
On Sunday, August 31 in the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia from 12:00 to 16:00 took place the Game Day. Seeing off summer holidays and receiving beginning of school year, the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum invited children and adults to participate in different old and nowadays games and plays, to make toys and play all day long. more ... |
Discussion about language topicalities, problems and future works
The RLS Language Advancement groups 133rd thematic meeting will take place on September 1st, 2014 at 18:00 in the Riga Latvian Society House, Merķeļa Street 13, room 301. more ... |
From May 2 to 7, 2014 the Europa Nostra congress took place in the capital city of Austria Vienne. Europa Nostra is the European Unions culture heritage organisations network that takes care of maintaining nature and culture heritage, as well as every year organises awarding ceremonies devoted to the nominated culture heritage monuments of that year. more ... |
Narrations about Rasma Grīsle (1922 2013) and Rūdolfs Hofmanis (1921 2014) are available
On June 2, 2014 in the Riga Latvian Society House place, where 110 years ago Latvian Language Section was founded (leaders Kārlis Mīlenbachs, Jānis Endzelīns), that was making link between specialists of Baltic languages, Latvian lexicography and language praxis and every active and responsive language user and interesent, the RLS Latvian Language Advancement Group (LVAK) organised the remembrance evening «Our language strength duration and its values guards in our memories . more ... |
Riga Latvian Societys surrounding environments cleanups
On June 20 the Riga Latvian Society organised cleanups to clean up the surroundings of graves of the cultural workers, who have been connected with the Societys history and other important culturally historical places. more ... |
The Riga Latvian Societys Music Commission invites Riga citizens and its guests to honor with presence the concert devoted to the Communist Genocide victims on June 14, at 18.00 in the Gold Hall. In the programme cantata of Lūcija Garūta and Andrejs Eglītis Latvian prayer God, Thy Earth is Aflame! - meditation for organ. more ... |
"Talent for Latvia"
Concert cycle contests "Talent for Latvia" 23d seasons 1st place winners concert more ... |
On June 2, 2014 at 18:00 in the Riga Latvian Society House, Merķeļa Street 13 thematic Latvian Language Advancement Groups meeting will take place devoted to remembrance of our Latvian language values researchers Dr. Philol. Rasma Grīsle and Rūdolfs Hofmanis. more ... |
On Thursday, May 29, at six oclock in the evening club Known in the Unknown invites to the last meeting in this season. The theme this time is corresponding to the season about flowers and their florescence. We will find out what and why bloom in spring and not only in spring? more ... |
Imants Ziedonis. Searching of belonging, freedom training
On Thursday, May 28, at 18.00 - 21.00 in the Riga Latvian Society House White Hall all the interesents are welcome to the 2nd academic readings Ziedonis Days 2014, devoted to the opening of the scientific articles collection Imants Ziedonis. Searching of belonging, freedom training more ... |
Literary musical event Look harder. With all the strength. Beside your eyes. With times eyes.
On May 8, at 18.00 everybody is welcome to the event devoted to the writer Jānis Klīdzējs that will take place in the Riga Latvian Society House White Hall. more ... |
«Latvian language and translation in the European Union institutions narration by Mārcis Gobiņš
RLS Latvian Language Advancement Group ( continues public readings series, where this field practitioners and universities teaching staff tells about the translation and problems connected with this field. Previous times the interests could listen the readings of Jānis Sīlis, Juris Baldunčiks and Aldis Lauzis. more ... |
Oak Avenue symbol of Independent state
Stand hard, work bravely. For whom? For Latvia! We - the Riga Latvian Society in cooperation with the State Border Guard officers will do it! We invite also you to participate in the charity campaign, during which we each will plant an oak tree to mark our Fatherlands border with prominent tree avenue. more ... |
Literary afternoon The Thought is a Root that stretches in the Earth
The Riga Latvian Societys Theatre Commission, Literature Commission and Association of Memorial Museums Rainis and Aspazija House-Museum invites to the literary afternoon The Thought is a Root that stretches in the Earth on April 28, 2014 at 18.00 in Ligo Hall. The event is devoted to promulgator of the European culture mental values, the outstanding Latvian poet, playwright, the Riga Latvian Theatre worker Aspazija. more ... |
"Talent for Latvia"
Riga Latvian Society in cooperation with Latvian Children Fund invites On April 26, 2014 at 14.00 In the Riga Latvia Society Gold Hall more ... |
Sprīdītis School" invites to egg painting workshop on Easter
On the first and second Easter Day, on Saturday April 20 and Monday April 21 Sprīdītis School will participate in egg painting creative workshops, taking part in every years Easter celebration for families with children that will take part in the Ethnographing Open-Air Museum of Latvia. more ... |
Latvians and bread
On Thursday, April 17, at six o clock in the evening the club Known in the Unknown invites to the meting. The ethnographer Indra Čekstere this time will tell about bread, its history and us Latvians. And the University of Latvia professor Valdis Segliņš will present with the variety of bread. more ... |
«Involvement of the sentence in language fluency and ordinal narration by Aldis Lauzis
RLS Latvian Language Advancement Group in its meeting in April offers the reading «Involvement of the sentence in language fluency and ordinal that will be told by the editor, translator and terminologist Aldis Lauzis. more ... |
Concert cycle contest "Talent for Latvia"
Participate students from Mālpils Music and Art School, Latgale Suburbs Music and Art School and Riga 3d Music School. more ... |
by year
2016 (1) 2015 (64) 2014 (61) 2013 (28) |