«Latvian language and translation in the European Union institutions” – narration by Mārcis Gobiņš
«Latvian language and translation in the European Union institutions” – narration by Mārcis Gobiņš
RLS Latvian Language Advancement Group (LVAK.wordpress.com) continues public readings’ series, where this field practitioners and universities’ teaching staff tells about the translation and problems connected with this field. Previous times the interests could listen the readings of Jānis Sīlis, Juris Baldunčiks and Aldis Lauzis.
On the first Monday of May we will focus on the theme “Latvian language and translation in the European Union institutions».
Mārcis Gobiņš has acquired education in Berlin Free University (politologist), Riga Graduate School of Law (lawyer) and University of Latvia (interpreter of conferences).
We invite also you to listen to the narration and participate in discussion on May 5, 2014 at 18.00 in the Riga Latvian Society House, Merķeļa Street 13, room 301!
Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.