The Riga Latvian Society invites to the project’s “Unity is Our Strength” events

All the interesents are welcome to two events of the Riga Latvian Society project “Unity is Our Strength” on March.  

On Friday, March 20, 2015 at 18.00 the public discussion “Informal education – help in promoting of integration processes” will take place in the Riga Latvian Society House, room 212 (Merķeļa Street 13). During the discussion the interesents will be able to listen to the Riga Latvian Society and other non-governmental organisations’ experience and plans in the sphere of informal education for adults to promote integration processes of different nations’ people, to give opportunity to learn Latvian language and to acquire Latvia’s history and legislation. We will listen to the people, who have used the offered informal education opportunities and will share the experience and thoughts about the improvement of this work.

On Saturday, March 28, 2015 at 15.00 in the Riga Latvian Society House White Hall (Merķeļa Street 13) all are invited to the discussion – event „Language and our identity”.

In the event, based on the positive cooperation experience between Latvia’s Lithuanians and Lithuania’s Latvians, we will speak about making of intercultural dialogue and minority integration with an aim to strengthen understanding of human rights, national identity and democratic values and promote participation and cooperation between non-governmental organisations, especially cooperation between minority and other sphere organisations.

In the event will participate the Chairman of Vytautas Magnus University Centre of Letonics Alvīds Butkus, representatives from Latvia’s Lithuanian and Lithuania’s Latvian communities, representatives from Latvia’s and Lithuania’s parliaments, people and folk art groups that with their work promote cooperation of Latvia and Lithuania in social and culture spheres, as well as representatives from other national Societies.

All interesents are welcome!

The public discussions are the activity of the Riga Latvian Society project “Unity is our strength” (grant contract No. 2013.EEZ/PP/2/MIC/010/028). The aim of the discussions is to promote intercultural dialogue and minority integration, strengthen understanding of human rights, national identity and democratic values.

More information:
Stella Līpīte, discussion moderator  
Mob:  29529668
E-mail: stella.lipite@rlb.lv



Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.

