Taking into account the huge interest that made the LLAG meeting at the beginning of June «Our language strength duration and its values guards in our memories, it has been decided to continue to look back at life and working years of Philology Doctor and many scientific and practical publications devoted to the language author Rasma Grīsle (19222013).
On October 6, 2014 at 18:00 come to the Riga Latvian Society House! The invited narrator this time will be the linguists Rasma Grīsle sisters daughter Gizela Vilcāne (in the photo),who will give deeper insight in her memories about R.Grīsles personality active researcher until the end of her life and unswerving explainer and implementer of professors Jānis Endzelīns cognitions.
In the website «Eraksti.lv» are available two free electronic books - R. Grīsles dissertation for obtaining of philology science candidate degree «Grammar of XVII century as a Latvian Language history source (developed under the leadership of Prof. Dr. J. Endzelīns, 1958), as well as writings collection «Duration I» (2005). More books by R.Grīsle have been published in XXI century «Heterotone Dictionary and Research of Heterotones» (publishing house «Zinātne» (Science), 2008), «Duration II», «Jānis Endzelīns Latvian Language Propedeutikas Lecture Course. In 2012 Rasma Grīsle received Kārlis Mīlenbahs prize.
Latvian language Advancement Groups news, other materials, communication and discussion possibilities about language praxis are available on website LVAK.wordpress.com.
After a month on November 3 at 18:00 all the interesents are welcome to Aldis Lauzis practical narration about compounds in Latvian language.
Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Areas Financial Mechanisms and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.