Magic of Estonian textile artists worsted at the Riga Latvian Society

In February our neighbours – Republic of Estonia celebrates its foundation anniversary. For the third year already February is a month of Estonia also at the Riga Latvian Society, where the RLS in cooperation with the Society “Estonia” organise Estonian textile artists’ exhibition “Meeting place. Kohtumispaik”, devoting this cooperation project to the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.

The role of the Society „Estonia” – one of the oldest Estonian organisations, founded in 1865, in developing of Estonian national culture and identity relates with the role of the Riga Latvian Society in our country. Also nowadays the Society “Estonia” continues working in the field of Estonian culture and art, gathering remarkable culture, art and education workers. For several years already the Riga Latvian Society and the Society “Estonia” unite the cooperation.

For many years the Society „Estonia” has organised Latvian textile artists’ exhibitions in the Winter garden of the Estonian national Opera “Estonia”. In its turn, the Riga Latvian Society for the third year already offers the insight in the Estonian artists’ creations in the RLS White Hall.

This year in the Estonian textile artists’ tapestry exhibition “Meeting place. Kohtumispaik” from February 10 to 28 will be seen the newest last years’ works from 14 authors. Year 2015 is special for Estonian textile art – it is the 100th anniversary of Estonian textile art.

Textile artist Kaire Tali addresses Latvian visitors of the exhibition: „Estonian tapestry art is still one of our textile art main supports. We – tapestry artists – are not many, but we keep and use this unique technique mystic possibilities. We are similar, but at the same time different. Worsted magic is our inspirer. Each author creates something unique, interweaving their emotions in the colourful tapestry. Each work has its creation story; each work has its way and destiny. This work asks absorption, flight of ideas, technical skills, knowledge about materials and patience. Each work is unique. Today textile has unlimited and many possibilities – next to the changing world, new materials, technique and innovations, as well as fantastic technological opportunities, artist’s abilities, skills and hand work is still irreplaceable. Tapestry artists have been the keepers of traditions and value bearers through times. Many this exposition’s works have been created exactly for this exhibition. The colourful, winter exposition is our gift to all in this dark and poor with colours season. Because tapestry art is a luxury – as a secret club, whose members are privileged…”

Opening of the exhibition will be on February 10 at 16.00. In the exhibition opening will perform Jāzeps Mediņš’ Riga Music Secondary School teacher’s Gunta Bože piano class II course student Zigurds Teikmanis.

The exhibition is organised in the framework of the European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism financed project “Stand Hard, Work Bravely” that is implemented by the Riga Latvian Society. Estonian Culture capital Foundation supports the exhibition.

The Riga Latvian Society and the Society „Estonia” express gratitude for the cooperation in organising the exhibition to Estonian Embassy in Latvia, Estonian Textile Artists Union and Estonian Society in Latvia!

Information prepared Stella Līpīte, Riga Latvian Society Office manager



Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.
