About inflexible genitives in Latvian language – narration by Aldis Lauzis
On March 2, 2015 at 18.00 in the Riga Latvian Society House the philologist and terminologist Aldis Lauzis will tell about inflexible genitives in Latvian language.
The first person, who more widely focused on genitives, was Jānis Kušķis in his publication in 1976 in the edition of Latvian State University Scientific Writings. However, this part of speech existed already in the first part of the 20th century and, possibly, even earlier. Since the middle of the 20th century the frequency of use of genitives has substantially increased.
Genitives are peculiar words that are used as attributes and they can be compounds, but also un-compounds and they do not have any other case only genitive.
The active LLAG referent Aldis Lauzis has been the member of the Latvian Academy of Science Terminology Commission since 1975. He has specially investigated and taken interest about semiotics, science of logics, philosophy, translation theory and praxis. He has translated a lot of popular science books from English and Russian languages.
More information about genitives and questions that should still be investigated is found in LLAG Home page:
Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.