
On June, this year, the Riga Latvian Society offers to visit set of lessons and events that are combined under one title – Integration’s ABC Programme.  The programme has been created for a specific group of people – the third country nationals, who have immigrated to Latvia in recent years. The programme’s aim is to promote intercultural dialogue and interaction, on the basis of the methodologies and different types of practice, developed by specialists. Latvian culture, historically developed Latvian society’s multiculturalism, as well as Latvian folklore, ethnography, traditions and habits, are themes that make the content of the training programme and practical activities.

During the programmes „The similar and the different of the Baltic Sea countries’ and other nationalities’ calendar holidays’ cycle and habits”, „The theatre game as a method of integration of different ethnic groups and national traditions”, „The stories and storytelling as a mean of the social and ethnic integration” the young people and adults will learn about Latvian and other nations’ cultural heritage; with the active participation of all the participants will be searched for ways how to overcome the psychological and mentality barriers when living and working in a foreign environment, and how to promote the learning of public speech and communication skills. The participants will be introduced to Latvia’s and other countries’ experience in the promotion of the intercultural dialogue and mutual understanding, reducing of social and ethnic tension, and will acquire those narration genres and strategies that can be applied in daily communication.

With the similar aim – to draw nearer to and involve in the Latvian and Latvia’s culture space those, who - perhaps, are currently living in a kind of isolation from the other part of society, have been created programmes for children and families with children, thinking of them as a future full-fledged members of Latvian society. During the programmes they will have the opportunity to participate in interactive, educational and creative activities. These will be the workshops, as well as so-called Summer College, where several faculties will offer dancing and stage art’s lessons, basic knowledge of painting, sketch painting and photography arts, as well as visits to theatres, museums and other interesting places.

The third country nationals are invited to the Riga Latvian Society for the first time. The key to the programmes’ success is in our hands, in the hope that it may become a valuable tradition also in future years.

You are welcome to fill in the participant’s application form until June 1 and participate in various events that will take place from June 8 to June 30, 2012 at the Riga Latvian Society House.


For more information, please contact:
Ilze Stengrevica
Project manager
mob. 26385060

Jana Kalniňa
Project coordinator
mob. 29353929

This publication has been made possible with the support of European Third country nationals’ integration fund. The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication. 75% of the project is financed by the European Third country nationals’ integration fund, national co-financing – 25%.
1 Third country national – any person, who is not the citizen of the Republic of Latvia, other European Union’s country, the country of the European Economic Area or the citizen of Swiss Confederation (European Economic Area’s foundation’s agreement) (Consolidated version). //Official Journal, (C 325, 24.12.2002.). In the laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia the term Third country national has to be used instead of the term Third country citizen.
