Let’s meet at the Riga Latvian Society!

Excursions at the Riga Latvian Society House

The Riga Latvian Society invites to visit the luxurious and historic Riga Latvian Society House in the centre of Riga, in Merķeļa Street 13 – to find more about its architecture, interior and the history of the Society.  The guide will kindly show you the most beautiful and the most mysterious places of the Riga Latvian Society. The visitors will see the golden splendour of the Big Hall, unique wall paintings of the Gold Hall, elegant Ligo Hall wall decors, historic Riga Latvian Society furniture, renewed stained glass; besides, everyone will be able to look at himself in the mirror where everyone looks very beautiful, or become familiar with the role an actor standing on the first Latvian theatre stage, but the bravest visitors are welcome to the RLS basement that is connected with a fearful story…

To announce oneself for excursions, please call in advance, every working day from 9.00 till 17.00, T. 67222932, 67358558 or by e-mails info@rlb.lv or oksana.svikle@rlb.lv  The excursions are in Latvian.

Payment for the excursions:
- Adults - EUR 5-, 
- Pupils, students, pensioners –EUR 3.-

Free visit for:
Pre-school children, children from orphanages, boarding-schools and social care centres, teachers who accompany the group, disabled persons and the persons who accompany them.


