How to become a real Riga Latvian Society’s member?
The Riga Latvian Society has the real members and Honorary members. The Riga Latvian Society’s real members may be persons who have reached the age of majority, have submitted an application to become a RLS member (RLS Council’s approved questionnaire form), undertakes to fulfil the RLS statutes and actively work to implement their objectives.
Questionnaire download here
The Council affiliates the persons to become real RLS members if the applicant has the recommendations from the RLS Statutes and the Ethics Commission and 2 other real members.
When joining the RLS, the new member has to pay the affiliation fee, which is in the amount of a year memberhip fee regardless of the month of the joining. The real RLS members pay the membership fee stated by the General Meeting of the members (LVL 20.00; LVL 10.00 for seniors and students), that should be paid by the end of the year. Belonging to the RLS is attested by the membership card.
Members' responsibilities:
to participate actively in the implementation of the Society’s aims, by participating directly in its activities or by supporting and promoting the realisation of those aims;
to participate in the Society’s General Meetings’ work;
consistently comply with the Society’s statutes, decisions of the General Meetings, Council and Board;
with one’s actions raise the Society’s prestige, refraining from anything that may harm the Society.
Members' rights:
to vote and be elected in the Society’s and its structures’ management;
to work in the Society’s created structures and participate in their organized activities;
to discuss the Society’s created structure and the operation of the events organised by the Society;
be present at the Society’s Council and Board meetings and to express one’s opinion about the issues discussed.
The Council with its decision can stop RLS member’s rights for up to six months or exclud from the Society, if:
the member does not pay off the membership fee until the end of the year;
fails to comply with the requirements of the statutes, member’s obligations, does not participate in the Society’s organized events or other types of activities;
by his actions harmes Society’s dignity or hinder the implementation of the aims stated in the statutes;
proceeds in Society’s name without special authorization.
The Council makes the decision on the member’s exclusion by the majority of votes. The Council’s decision on the exclusion of the members can be appealed during General Meeting, which decision is final.
Riga Latvian Society’s members' admission procedure
(RLS Council Decision No 1, 16.04. 2003)
Memeber’s candidate completes and submites the application form in the Society’s bureau with 2 recommendations and adds 2 photos (document size).
Statutes and the Ethics Commission decides on the nomination of the RLS member’s admission in the RLS Council’s meeting.
If the RLS Statutes and the Ethics Commission, therefore, considers it necessary, the candidate meets with the members of the RLS Statutes and the Ethics Commission and the representatives of the branch where the candidate wishes to act. At the meeting is present at least one of the members who have recommended the applicant.
The RLS Council decides on the admission of the member’s applicant in the Riga Latvian Society after the listening to the information provided by the member of the Statute and the Ethics Commission.
Every two to three months at the beginning of the RLS Council’s meeting the formal membership cards’ presentation is held to the new welcomed RLS members.