Youth discussion celebrating International Volunteer Day
Celebrating the International Volunteer Day, the discussion “Youth involvement in the inter-ethnic dialogue” took place in the Riga Latvian Society House on December 5. In the discussion participated youth from different organisations – non-governmental organisations, student parliament representatives, participants of interest groups, as well as youth, who actively participate in the voluntary work.
During the event the youth discussed and shared experience about the organising of networking events, importance of current information and communication technologies, and their offered wide opportunities in social activities. The youth were introduced with the question – how to explain actively about the importance of the making of intergenerational dialogue.
The youth could use the possibility to participate in the interactive activities that were made to popularise voluntary work opportunities in Riga and Latvia, as well as to popularise youth opportunities in political involvement. The voluntary work was popularised in attractive way – as excellent opportunity to improve youth participation and competence.
At the end of the event the participants could participate in the regional volunteer honouring ceremony “Volunteer 2014”, where 265 volunteers from 46 Latvian municipalities were recognized.
The discussion “Youth involvement in the inter-ethnic dialogue” is the activity of the Riga Latvian Society project “Unity is Our Strength” (Grant’s contract N0. 2013.EEZ/PP/2/MIC/010/028) activity. The aim of the public discussions is to promote developing of intercultural dialogue and minority integration, strengthen understanding of human rights, national identity and democratic values.
www.sif.lvwww.eeagrants.lvwww.eeagrants.orgProject is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.