Sending in of year’s Word, Unword and Winged Saying will continue until January 26

Last day, when everyone will be able to send in the examples of the year’s 2014 Word, Unword and the Winged saying is January 26, 2015. This inquiry for already 12 years have been organising the RLS Latvian Language Advancement Group (LVAK) in cooperation with Latvian Writers’ Union and Latvian Academy of Science Terminology Commission. The organisers announced the inquiry on January 12 and during one week almost 300 suggestions have been received – fifty year’s Words, approx. 60 year’s Winged Sayings and 140 Unwords. More than 20 sent suggestions could be named as the year’s “verbiage” (the most incoherent arrangements of words that have been found in serious texts or heard in 2014).

Novelty of this year – the Riga Latvian Society (organisation, where since 2001 the Latvian language Advancement Group has been working) has decided to give its special promotional gift – reproduction of artists’ canvas that will be given to the best sender of the year’s Latvian word or Winged Saying.
In the first part of the 20th century, also during the World War II rather actively worked Language Section at the Riga Latvian Society, whose meetings managed well known in the world Balts’ philologist Jānis Endzelīns. His references to mistakes, suggestions for Latvian words and better sentence constructions that are summarized during J.Endzelīns’ working time are still available and useful for language practicians.

The RLS Latvian Language Advancement Group suggested in 2003 to survey the society at the end of each year and, based on the suggestions sent by people and evaluation of language practicians and theoreticians, to name the year’s Word, Unword and Winged Saying.

Year’s Word – brighter and the most exact word made taking into account Latvian Language rules that has appeared from the first time, has gained popularity or regained it or has been used with a new or special meaning characteristic for the current year.
Year’s Unword – brighter from the most absurdly made or unnecessary borrowed words that have appeared from the first time or have notedly spread or have been made from already known words that have been widely used in the current year in impertinent or unnecessary changed meaning (for example, taking into account other languages’ models).

Year’s Winged Saying – brighter or most strange from sayings that have been often used or have been especially noticed in the society in the current year. Winged Sayings of previous years remind of that time political and social topicalities, for example: 2004 – “Valsts deg zilās ugunīs” (Country burns in blue flames), 2005 – “Vanags noknāba cālīti” (A hawk pecked to death a chick), 2006 – “Paņēma un uzmeta” (Took and deceived), 2007 – “Bojāts horizontālais taimkods” (Damaged horizontal time code), 2008 – “Pārāk liela cilvēcība sabiedrībai nav saprotama” (Too big humanity is not understandable for the society), 2009 – “Un ko jūs saprotat ar polītisku atbildību?” (And what do you understand with a term political responsibility?), 2010 – “Krāniem un buldozeriem jāstrādā lidostā” (Cranes and bulldozers should work in an airport), 2011 – “Rīkojums Nr. 2″ (Order Nr. 2), 2012 – “Vilks paziņoja, ka Lapsas sūdzība par Zaķa pārkāpumu tiks izskatīta” (Wolf announced that Foxe’s complaint about Hare would be considered). 

Years’ Words from 2003 till 2013 were: 2003 – zīmols (brand), 2004 – mēstule (spam), 2005 – smacenis (smog), 2006 – draugoties (make friends through internet portal www.draugiem.lv - in English  - for friends), 2007 – ēnstrādnieks (illegally employed person), 2008 – talkot (to participate in the big clean), 2009 – glābējsilīte (baby box), 2010 – zibakcija (flesh mob), 2011 – staidzināt (to take, for example, a dog for a walk), 2012 – ziemotne (birds’ wintering places) as well as “pašbilde” (selfie) – slang word.

Unneceessary foreign words, if their have more Latvian substitute, barbarisms, unnecessary insrtieons and words that are not declinable or forbid in other ways to understand meaning easily, have become the titled Unwords of previous years - 2003 – eiro (euro), 2004 – māsterplāns (master plan), 2005 – centrs (centre), 2006 – hendlings (handling), 2007 – siera produkts (cheese product), 2008 – šis te… šo te… (this one… that one…), 2009 – saīsināt (darbiniekus) (reduce (employers)), 2010 – pa lielam (generally), 2011 – konsolidēt (consolidate), 2012 – uzrunāt (problēmu) (address (a problem)), "dīlot, dīlošana, dīls" (deal, dealing). 
Suggestions should be sent until January 26, to e-mail: gadavards@inbox.lv or mailing address: RLB Latviešu valodas attīstības kopai, Merķeļa ielā 13, Rīgā, LV-1050.

The inquiry will finish with the press conference on February 2, at 11:00 in the Riga Latvian Society House – jury members and the RLS representatives will announce the results and will tell what the inquiry shows about current Latvian language phenomena.

Results of previous inquiries –  http://LVAK.wordpress.com/gada-vards-nevards-teiciens/ Topicalities, neologisms, terms and discussions - https://Twitter.com/LVAK_valoda

More information:
Ieva Kolmane (year’s 2014 inquiry contact person, coordinator), phone 29420386, ieva.kolmane@gmail.com

Information prepared LVAK representative Valters Feists



Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.  

