RLS Latvian Language Advancement Group

Our – already 15th working year – we will start on September 7, at 18.00 in already known place – the RLS House, Room 301and will continue as previously: on first Monday of every month.

You are welcome to participate again!

The new year we will start as always – in friendly atmosphere, thinking about our language and its future. Such future that we wish and can influence – to make our language dear, beautiful, rich and valuable for every of us and others.

Meeting in this year of Rainis and Aspazija - few days before Rainis 150th birthday, we will recall his cognition that “it will exist that will change”. Our language group will exist – it will have some changes – about them you will find out on September’s 7 evening.

As for already 12 years, also this time we are inviting you to collect, search and not waiting until the end of the year, also right now to send in “the Word, Unword and Winged Saying of 2015” to e-mail address: gadavards@inbox.lv

With best wishes, Maija Sinka-Gobiņa, RLS LLAG leader
T. 29167606



Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.
