Dace Markus and Anna Vulāne will introduce with the project “Monolingual and bilingual learning of the Latvian language: tools, theories and usage”

The RLS Latvian Language Advancement Group invites the interesents to listen to the narration about the project “Monolingual and bilingual learning of the Latvian language: tools, theories and usage” on June 1, at 18.00. The entrance is free for all interesents.

The leading institution of the project is the Children Language Centre of the Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy (RTTEMA). On June 1, in the Riga Latvian Society House in the regular Latvian Language Advancement Group’s first month Monday’s thematic evening Dace Markus and Anna Vulāne will tell about children language researches in the framework of the Norwegian grant 2009 – 2014 financed project No. NFI/R/2014/053 „Monolingual and bilingual acquiring of the Latvian language: tools, theories and usage”. The project was started on March 1, 2005 and there participate two more Latvian partners and two Norwegian universities. The project includes wide and systematic research of the Latvian language monolingual and bilingual learning.
Dace Markus has been the rector of the RTTEMA since 2007. The linguist is interested in the Balts language phonetics, dialects, language culture and training of teachers. About Ms. Markus professional work testify also wide range of articles – more than 100 scientific, 14 pedagogical and more than 30 publications of other characteristics.  

Anna Vulāne - the professor of the University of Latvia, the co-author of the research «Language situation in Latvia: 2004–2010». She is interested in word formation, morphology, children language, dialectology, lingua-culturology and the Latvian language teaching content for schools.

More information about the new, two years long and wide research, as well as other articles, discussions and interesting sources are found in the LVAK Home page. See there -  https://lvak.wordpress.com/2015/05/11/01-06-2015-daces-markus-un-annas-vulanes-stastijums-par-2015-2017-gada-bernu-valodas-petijumu-ta-devumu-zinatnei-un-praksei/



Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.
