Birthday of Aspazija

Year of ASPAZIJA AND RAINIS at the Riga Latvian Society  
Birthday of Aspazija
Literary evening “I am a flame of fire; I am a dawning morning...”

On March 16, 2015, at 18.00 in the Riga Latvian Society House Ligo Hall we will celebrate the poet’s birthday in the fourth event of the Riga Latvian Society, its Literature and Music Commission, as well as Memorial Museums’ Union event cycle of Aspazija and Rainis anniversary year.

We will listen to Aspazija’s poetry, memories and play’s “Aspazija” fragments.

In the event are invited to participate: Astrīda Stānke, Ieva Mūrniece, Gaida Jablovska, Guntis Gailītis, Haralds Ulmanis, Jāzeps Mediņš Music Secondary School students.

Entrance is free – all are welcome!

