Riga Latvian Society representatives in the experience change visit in Georgia

The delegation from the Riga Latvian Society visited Tbilisi in Georgia to share experience and strengthen the cooperation with Latvian Society in Georgia “Ave Sol!”, lead the activities in the Georgian Latvian School and meet in the common event devoted to Rainis and Aspasija anniversaries. The visit was implemented in the framework of the European Economic Area’s Finance Instrument’s Riga Latvian Society project “Stand Hard, Work Bravely!” (No. 2012.EEZ/DAP/MAC/068/1/NAC/054/2015).

On September 11 – in Rainis’ 150th birthday – the Riga Latvian Society and the Latvian Society in Georgia “Ave Sol!”, invited the interesents to the event “Far-Off Moods on a Blue Evening”. The event took place in the Latvian Embassy’s in Georgia premises. The Riga Latvian Society Vice-Chairwoman, Rainis and Aspazija Museum’s Manager of Educational Work and Work with the Visitors Gaida Jablovska appeared with the narration “Rainis and Aspazija’s life and work places in Europe”. During the event sounded the fragments of Rainis’ poem “Ave Sol!” in Latvian and Georgian languages that has inspired Georgian Latvians to choose the name of the Society. In Georgian language Rainis’ poetry read its translator David Jakobidze. Latvian School’s in Georgia pupils performed the children poetry reading. The kokle player Rozīte Katrīna Spīča enriched the event with the sounds of kokle. The interesents were able to see the Latvian Society in Georgia “Ave Sol!” Rainis’ book exhibition.

During the visit the Riga Latvian Society representatives met with the Embassy of Latvia in Georgia Counsellor, Deputy Head of Mission Jānis Sīlis and Latvian Society in Georgia “Ave Sol!” administration to discuss the mutual cooperation. RLS Folklore Commission representatives shared their experience with Georgian Latvian School teachers and pupil adults about the educational work using informal methods.

Two days the Riga Latvian Society representatives led the activities in Georgian Latvian School. School’s activity themes were devoted to the works of poets Rainis and Aspazija, theme of Sun and Latvian national music instrument – kokle. Also the meeting with the Latvian Society in Georgia “Ave Sol!” members took place to share experience, discuss cooperation and get inspiration for new works.

The Riga Latvian Society delegation visited the historic and notable Tbilisi places, visited Georgian Museum of Applied Arts, where wide exposition is made for the artist and ethnographer Latvian Jūlijs Straume – the establisher of Latvian and Georgian cultural bonds and his work in Georgia. The RLS delegation met with Georgian Museum of Applied Arts administration. During the visit the RLS representatives had an opportunity to visit also Kahety and the Latvian family living near Alazana valley, who are making vine, to see Georgian historic and cultural monuments – ancient town Mtskheta, Jvari Monastery, Signagi town, getting to know a lot of new and interesting information about Georgia’s history, culture, social and everyday life.

We express gratitude to the Latvian Society in Georgia “Ave Sol!”, especially its chairwoman Regīna Jakobidze and Kursieši family for the support in organising the visit and the warm welcome!
We express our gratitude to the Latvian Embassy in Georgia for the support and cooperation!  

About Rainis and Aspazija days in Georgia you can read also in Regīna Jakobidze’s article in the Australian Latvians’ newspaper “Latvietis” (Latvian):   http://laikraksts.com/raksti/5724



Project is financially supported by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.
This publication has been made with European Economic Area’s Financial Mechanism’s and State of Latvia financial support.
The Riga Latvian Society is responsible for the content of the publication.

